🎉 Welcome to Sense Path! 🎉
Upgrade now to get 1/3rd off your first year!
You currently have an overdue invoice and your subscription has been paused. Click here to resolve.
Profiles used: {{totalProfiles}}
Choose your plan from the table below to upgrade
Profiles used: {{totalProfiles}}
Your current plan: {{stripeRole}} profiles
Click the button below to manage your plan
Profiles Pay Monthly
⭐ Includes 33% discount for the first year of subscription
Pay Yearly
⭐ Get 2 months free by paying annually
⭐ Includes additional 33% discount for the first year of subscription
Up to 2 Profiles
You already have {{totalProfiles}} profiles
Free Free

{{products[chosenProduct].prices.monthly.amount | price}} per month

* £{{(products[chosenProduct].prices.monthly.amount / 100 ).toFixed(0)}} per month after the first year

{{products[chosenProduct].prices.yearly.amount | price}} per year

Pay by Invoice

* £{{(products[chosenProduct].prices.yearly.amount / 100 ).toFixed(0)}} per year after the first year
Need more than 100 profiles? Drop us an email!

Your organisation {{organisationName}} is currently using {{manualProfilesUsed}} profiles on a subscription for {{profileLimit}} profiles, expiring on {{manualSubExpiryDate}}.

Please contact your administrator if you need to upgrade or renew your license.

You currently have an overdue invoice and your subscription has been paused.

Click the button below to manage your subscription. Email contact@sensepath.org if you need help.